Their Eyes Were Watching Godmr. Becker's Classroom

Their Eyes Were Watching God, 2005 film adaptation. Directed by Darnell Martin, produced by Oprah Winfrey and Quincy Jones, and starring Halle Berry as Janie and Michael Ealy as Tea Cake. Their Eyes Were Watching God: An Instructional Guide for Literature - Novel Study Guide for High School Literature with Close Reading and Writing Activities (Great Works Classroom Resource) (975): Jennifer Kroll: Books. UC Course Syllabus 2012-13ENGL 1200Bear Creek High School / Becker.

Indirect viewing methods provide the safest means of monitoring the progress of a partial eclipse. Telescopes, binoculars, monoculars, and pinhole systems can be used to project an image of the sun onto a screen, thus avoiding the need to look at the sun directly, and at the same time, providing a show that several people can watch safely.

This will not work for a transit of Mercury or Venus


The Story: Their Eyes Were Watching God Their Eyes Were Watching God Themes and Symbols Plot Summary Male vs. Female: novel is opened with a comparison. Men in novel are static and don't have to prove or earn their power or voice.

This image was scanned from Bryan Brewer's book Eclipse printed by Snohomish Publishing in 1978.

MATERIALS: A long cardboard tube or preferably a box about three feet in length, aluminum foil, a large pin, white paper, masking tape or glue, and a single edged razor blade or razor blade knife...
INSTRUCTIONS: Cut a small rectangular hole about two inches by one inch in the center of one of the long ends of a rectangular box. Tape or glue the aluminum foil over this hole. Prick the aluminum foil with a pin to create a circular aperture. Glue or tape a piece of white paper opposite the pinhole on the inside of the box. If the box is big enough, observe the sun’s image on the white screen by placing your head in the box, eyes looking toward the screen. In such cases put the two inch by one inch hole to one side of the the long end of the box. This will allow for more headroom. Point the box so that the pinhole faces the sun. If the box is smaller or a tube is used, cut an opening in the side of the tube or box so that the screen can be viewed from the exterior. The length of the box or projection distance should be about 200 to 500 times the diameter of the hole. A crisp ¼-inch diameter hole in a tablet-sized piece of cardboard would work nicely for an observer standing 4-10 feet away from a white screen, while a 1/8-inch hole would suffice for a 2-5 foot projection box. A one millimeter pinhole would be sufficient for an 8-20 inch projection distance.
DIFFICULTIES: The images acquired with pinhole projections are neither very sharp nor very bright. The pinhole solar projector made from a tube is more difficult to use because it must be pointed at the sun with a higher degree of accuracy. Observations of the sun with this method do not work well when the sky is hazy. Never try to observe the sun directly through the pinhole!!!

This will not work for a transit of Mercury or Venus

English IV/AP Literature

Unit : Intro to Literary Analysis/Their Eyes Were Watching God

Length of Unit: 6 Weeks (30 days/50 minutes per class)

Biblical Integration:

  1. Understand and appreciate God’s sovereignty and divine plan for the salvation of the world, despite our fallen and sinful nature.

  2. Recognize how man’s sinful nature in literature creates problems for himself and others and how God’s grace is the only solution.

  3. Distinguish between what God has approved and what Man has approved.

  4. Write and produce drafts that adhere to the Corinthians 14:40 principles of organization and clarity.

  5. Bring glory to God through our written and spoken words.

Their eyes were watching god mr. becker


  • McDougall Littell’s The Language of Literature

  • Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston.

  • Novel Guide and Support Materials

  • Novels for Independent Reading

  • iPad/laptop to use a variety of websites/apps

  • Bible for use in essay writing

  • Quizzes/documents hosted on Mrs. Gilbert's website

  • OneDrive/Word App for collection of/collaboration on writing

  • English OneNote Class Notebook

Standards Addressed:








Unit Objectives:

  1. Students will learn and apply strategies for close/analytical reading.

  2. Students will establish a foundational knowledge of literary terms and analysis.

  3. Students will read and interpret a modern classic novel.

  4. Students will recognize characteristics of a successful literary analysis essay and imitate those in their own writing.

  5. Students will demonstrate proficiency in a variety of technological tools for learning.

  6. Students practice and adhere to Mrs. Gilbert’s Standard of Excellence expectations in their classroom work.

  7. Students will apply MLA formatting to their work.

  8. Students will build a foundation for reading and writing success.

  9. Students will apply revision strategies to their written work.

Formative Assessments:

  • Oral Questions/Discussions

  • Exit Slips

  • Practice activities

  • Comprehension questions/activities

Their eyes were watching god mr. becker

Summative Assessments:

  • Summer Reading Independent Activity

  • Summative assessment in the end-of-unit exam

  • Essay writing

    • One final draft of an analytical essay

    • One Timed Writing (Free Response)

    • One Free Response Summative Essay

Instructional Methods:

Week 1

  • Introduce basic classroom procedures.

    • Syllabus Overview

    • Mrs. Gilbert’s Website

    • Class supplies you need

    • Class Notebook- use and methods

  • Introduce the Biblical Integration statement. Discuss.

  • Preview and practice MLA style rules for papers

  • Summer Reading share and Independent Reading Assessment #1

  • Introduce expectations for quarterly IRAs and silent reading time.

  • Type first assignment in Word and share with Mrs. Gilbert- a learning reflection.

  • Overview of literary analysis concepts/terms.

Week 2:

Their eyes were watching god mr. becker
  • Teach Technology Use Rules and Expectations

  • Introduce Ongoing Learning Activities

  • Assign first Article of the Week- review model and rubric

  • Teach procedures for Starters and their corresponding Tech Tool

    • Make It Up Monday- OneNote or Word

    • Tweet It Tuesday- Today’s Meet

    • Workout Wednesday- Today’s Meet

    • Test Prep Thursday- Today’s Meet

    • Fired Up Friday- OneNote or Word

  • Explain honors/AP distinction, responsibilities, and assignments. Hand out contracts for students and parents to review and return.

  • Read, annotate, and discuss James Joyce’s “The Dead”

    • Students develop their own questions about the text.

    • Analyze style and structure

    • Craft a rough draft of an analytical essay. Peer and teacher conference.

Eyes Were Watching God Pdf

Week 3:

  • Background for novel study

  • Read, annotate, and discuss segment 1 of Their Eyes Were Watching God

  • Quiz over Chapters 1-3

  • Chapters 6-9 discussion questions

Week 4:

  • Read, annotate, and discuss segment 2 of Their Eyes Were Watching God

  • Focus on Hurston’s language and imagery

  • Close Analysis Passage and Questions

  • Model good analytical essay responses.

Their Eyes Were Watching God Mr. Becker's Classroom Management

Week 5:

  • Read, annotate, and discuss segment 3 of Their Eyes Were Watching God

  • Focus on Hurston’s language and imagery

  • Reading quiz 1 and 2, supported response question

  • In class timed writing analytical essay over Their Eyes Were Watching God

Their Eyes Were Watching Godmr. Becker's Classroom Lesson

Week 6:

Their Eyes Were Watching Godmr. Becker's Classrooms

  • Review Their Eyes Were Watching God, watch movie, and take test

  • Final Unit Essay (Free Response)- Show models of free response before students write this. Allow for revision after feedback.

Their Eyes Were Watching God Mr. Becker's Classroom Lesson