Assessmentsguided Reading 101

  • Jun 12, 2016 - Explore Stephanie's board 'Reading: Guided Reading', followed by 423 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about guided reading, reading classroom, school reading.
  • Guided Reading planning and anecdotal note recording combination: Another option is to combine your small group planning and documentation into one form! I love to use these forms because I can focus on a comprehension strategy with a specific text reading skills, sight words, vocabulary words, review words and individual student anecdotal.
  • Close Reading Passage. Help students master Close Reading with this step-by-step passage and activities. Rigorous Common Core Aligned Free Close Reading Passage. This is perfect for class-wide & small group close reading, assessments, guided reading groups, or homework.
  • In 1990 he received the Outstanding Service Award, Indiana Reading Professors. Cooper was a coordinating author of Houghton Mifflin Reading programs, 1986-1993, an author of Houghton Mifflin Reading/Language Arts, and a consulting author on Houghton Mifflin's Spanish reading program, Celebremos la literatura.
Suggested Citation:'PRINCIPLES.' Institute of Medicine. 1990. Clinical Practice Guidelines: Directions for a New Program. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/1626.

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Assessments - Guided Reading 101. There are a few different types of assessments that you can use to assess your students. This will depend on your district and/or your campus, as well as what has been purchased for you.

ATTRIBUTES OF GOOD PRACTICE GUIDELINES 55guidelines for which the Forum has contracted. These panels will need to make bothobjective and subjective assessments guided by instructions from the Forum. Thisreport is a step toward the preparation of an assessment instrument that the expertpanels can use in their reviews and deliberations (Appendix C). The AMA hasrecently taken a similar step by developing a preliminary worksheet to evaluatewhat it terms practice parameters (AMA, 1990b). Third, the committee sees the initial assessment of guidelines as part of anevolutionary process of guidelines development, assessment, use, evaluation, andrevision. This evolutionary process will involve the government, professionalorganizations, health service researchers, consumers, and others. As a result, thecommittee fully expects the set of attributes presented here to be tested, reassessed,and revised, if necessary. PRINCIPLES The identification of attributes of practice guidelines rests on four principles.These principles call for: • clarity in the definition of each attribute; • compatibility of each attribute and its definition with professional usage; • clear rationales or justifications for the selection of each attribute; and • sensitivity to practical issues in using the attributes to assess actual sets of practice guidelines ('accessibility'). That the definition of an attribute be clear and succinct is obviously desirable,although often difficult when one is working with very abstract or technicalconcepts. It is also desirable that the term used to label an attribute be recognizableand consistent with customary professional usage. The label should be a single wordor short phrase that is carefully chosen to convey the core concept. (Thus, attributeswill not be described by number, for example, Attribute No. 1.) The rationale or justification for each attribute should be clearly described, andit should also be consistent with the professional and technical literature and thelegislative mandate. The rationale should describe explicitly any trade-offs betweenthe theoretically ideal attribute and the practical, usable one. Practicality requires that attributes be definable in operational as well asconceptual terms; that is, it should be possible to devise an instrument that instructsassessors of a set of guidelines on how they can determine whether the guidelinesconform to the attributes. Not only is this necessary if the Forum is to judge thesoundness of the guidelines that emerge from

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