WHY DOES A CRACKED TOOTH HURT? A cracked tooth may hurt because the pressure of biting causes the crack to open. When you stop biting, the pressure is released and a sharp pain results as the crack quickly closes. Even though the crack may be microscopic, when it opens, the pulp inside the tooth may become irritated. The pulp is a soft tissue that. If the source of your tooth pain is a cracked or damaged filling or crown, don't ignore it. While it may seem like an ailment that can wait, damage to your filling or crown can cause deeper, more.
|Cracked Tooth Syndrome Crown Teeth
20 Signs Your Tooth Pain Is Signaling Something More Serious
You unwrap your favorite ice cream bar and can already taste that creamy vanilla ice cream with the hard chocolate coating. You take that first bite, mouth watering, and…OUCH!
An intense, throbbing pain shoots through your molar—and throughout your entire body. Maybe you just banged your tooth. Maybe it's something worse.
Cracked Tooth Syndrome Crown Pain
Occasional mouth pain may just indicate a sensitivity to hot or cold, which can become increasingly common as you get older. But different types of toothaches—and other symptoms associated with this pain—can be indicators that you're developing one of several serious health conditions that need immediate treatment.
Don't just pop an ibuprofen and assume it'll go away. Read on to learn about 20 signs that indicate you need to take your tooth pain seriously. And to ensure your house is safe for you and the entire family, don't miss this essential list of 100 Ways Your Home Could be Making You Sick.
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