Day 2physical Science In 21st Century (ps21)

Science, Society, and Information Technology
Times are changing. In earlier days, we used to go to the library, today we simply search and archive our papers online. We have collaborations by email, hold seminars by telephone, organize virtual networks, write blogs, and make our seminars available on the internet. Without a doubt, these technological developments influence the way science is done, and redefines our relationship with the society we live in. Information exchange and management, the scientific community, and society as a whole define a tightly connected triangle of relationships, the mutual interactions in which are becoming increasingly important.

  1. Day 2 Physical Science In 21st Century (ps21) Science
  2. Day 2 Physical Science In 21st Century (ps21)
Day 2physical Science In 21st Century (ps21)Day 2physical Science In 21st Century (ps21)

Day 2 Physical Science In 21st Century (ps21) Science


  • Web/Web 2.0.
    Communication, Networking, Wikis, Blogs, Job searches, the Illusion of Knowledge
  • Globalization
    Collaboration and Competition in the scientific community, The Global Village, the Limits of Growth, Science and Democracy
  • Open Access
    Scientific Publishing, Science Journalism, Framing, and the 'Marketplace of Ideas'
  • Sociology
    Ethics, Morals, Trends, and their impact on scientific directions, organization of our communities, fragmentation, feedback, selection, and the ivory tower
  • Miscellaneous and Other
    Teaching, Information storage, Resilience and the next Generation
Day 2 physical science in 21st century (ps21)

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Day 2 Physical Science In 21st Century (ps21)

Another recommended changing undergraduate introductory science classes to include 21st century skills, as a model for future science teachers. Windschitl responded that changing undergraduate science courses would require a major reorganization of the curriculum, along with retraining of faculty members and other instructors.

  • A new global think tank for a new golbal era. A worldwide network producing content people read and discussions people remember. Sometimes idiosyncratic, occ.
  • Physics for the 21st Century A multimedia course for high school physics teachers, undergraduate students, and science enthusiasts; 11 half-hour programs, online text, facilitator's guide, and Web site. The Science of Teaching Science This video workshop for new and veteran K-8 science teachers.