Download C Code Convert Integer To Stringbackstage


So, if you want to convert '162' to int then, this will be the formula: 2 X 1 + 6 X 10 + 1 X 100% operator returns the remainder. Let x = the integer number So to convert int to string find the remainder of the number when x is divided by 10(this is your units digit = a), then find the remainder when x-a divided by 100 (this is your ten's. System of Numeration helps to express numbers, it represent combination of digits and symbols. This tools helps to convert b/w base numbers. This tool supports base Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal and Base2 to Base36 conversions; Number System Converter Online works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

These functions are compiled inline, meaning the conversion code is part of the code that evaluates the expression. Sometimes there is no call to a procedure to accomplish the conversion, which improves performance. Each function coerces an expression to a specific data type.



Required. Any expression of the source data type.

Return Value Data Type

The function name determines the data type of the value it returns, as shown in the following table.

Function nameReturn data typeRange for expression argument
CBoolBoolean Data TypeAny valid Char or String or numeric expression.
CByteByte Data TypeByte.MinValue (0) through Byte.MaxValue (255) (unsigned); fractional parts are rounded.1
Starting with Visual Basic 15.8, Visual Basic optimizes the performance of floating-point to byte conversion with the CByte function; see the Remarks section for more information. See the CInt Example section for an example.
CCharChar Data TypeAny valid Char or String expression; only first character of a String is converted; value can be 0 through 65535 (unsigned).
CDateDate Data TypeAny valid representation of a date and time.
CDblDouble Data Type-1.79769313486231570E+308 through -4.94065645841246544E-324 for negative values; 4.94065645841246544E-324 through 1.79769313486231570E+308 for positive values.
CDecDecimal Data Type+/-79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 for zero-scaled numbers, that is, numbers with no decimal places. For numbers with 28 decimal places, the range is +/-7.9228162514264337593543950335. The smallest possible non-zero number is 0.0000000000000000000000000001 (+/-1E-28).
CIntInteger Data TypeInt32.MinValue (-2,147,483,648) through Int32.MaxValue (2,147,483,647); fractional parts are rounded.1
Starting with Visual Basic 15.8, Visual Basic optimizes the performance of floating-point to integer conversion with the CInt function; see the Remarks section for more information. See the CInt Example section for an example.
CLngLong Data TypeInt64.MinValue (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808) through Int64.MaxValue (9,223,372,036,854,775,807); fractional parts are rounded.1
Starting with Visual Basic 15.8, Visual Basic optimizes the performance of floating-point to 64-bit integer conversion with the CLng function; see the Remarks section for more information. See the CInt Example section for an example.
CObjObject Data TypeAny valid expression.
CSByteSByte Data TypeSByte.MinValue (-128) through SByte.MaxValue (127); fractional parts are rounded.1
Starting with Visual Basic 15.8, Visual Basic optimizes the performance of floating-point to signed byte conversion with the CSByte function; see the Remarks section for more information. See the CInt Example section for an example.
CShortShort Data TypeInt16.MinValue (-32,768) through Int16.MaxValue (32,767); fractional parts are rounded.1
Starting with Visual Basic 15.8, Visual Basic optimizes the performance of floating-point to 16-bit integer conversion with the CShort function; see the Remarks section for more information. See the CInt Example section for an example.
CSngSingle Data Type-3.402823E+38 through -1.401298E-45 for negative values; 1.401298E-45 through 3.402823E+38 for positive values.
CStrString Data TypeReturns for CStr depend on the expression argument. See Return Values for the CStr Function.
CUIntUInteger Data TypeUInt32.MinValue (0) through UInt32.MaxValue (4,294,967,295) (unsigned); fractional parts are rounded.1
Starting with Visual Basic 15.8, Visual Basic optimizes the performance of floating-point to unsigned integer conversion with the CUInt function; see the Remarks section for more information. See the CInt Example section for an example.
CULngULong Data TypeUInt64.MinValue (0) through UInt64.MaxValue (18,446,744,073,709,551,615) (unsigned); fractional parts are rounded.1
Starting with Visual Basic 15.8, Visual Basic optimizes the performance of floating-point to unsigned long integer conversion with the CULng function; see the Remarks section for more information. See the CInt Example section for an example.
CUShortUShort Data TypeUInt16.MinValue (0) through UInt16.MaxValue (65,535) (unsigned); fractional parts are rounded.1
Starting with Visual Basic 15.8, Visual Basic optimizes the performance of floating-point to unsigned 16-bit integer conversion with the CUShort function; see the Remarks section for more information. See the CInt Example section for an example.

1 Fractional parts can be subject to a special type of rounding called banker's rounding. See 'Remarks' for more information.


As a rule, you should use the Visual Basic type conversion functions in preference to the .NET Framework methods such as ToString(), either on the Convert class or on an individual type structure or class. The Visual Basic functions are designed for optimal interaction with Visual Basic code, and they also make your source code shorter and easier to read. In addition, the .NET Framework conversion methods do not always produce the same results as the Visual Basic functions, for example when converting Boolean to Integer. For more information, see Troubleshooting Data Types.

Starting with Visual Basic 15.8, the performance of floating-point-to-integer conversion is optimized when you pass the Single or Double value returned by the following methods to one of the integer conversion functions (CByte, CShort, CInt, CLng, CSByte, CUShort, CUInt, CULng):


This optimization allows code that does a large number of integer conversions to run up to twice as fast. The following example illustrates these optimized floating-point-to-integer conversions:


  • Coercion. In general, you can use the data type conversion functions to coerce the result of an operation to a particular data type rather than the default data type. For example, use CDec to force decimal arithmetic in cases where single-precision, double-precision, or integer arithmetic would normally take place.

  • Failed Conversions. If the expression passed to the function is outside the range of the data type to which it is to be converted, an OverflowException occurs.

  • Fractional Parts. When you convert a nonintegral value to an integral type, the integer conversion functions (CByte, CInt, CLng, CSByte, CShort, CUInt, CULng, and CUShort) remove the fractional part and round the value to the closest integer.

    If the fractional part is exactly 0.5, the integer conversion functions round it to the nearest even integer. For example, 0.5 rounds to 0, and 1.5 and 2.5 both round to 2. This is sometimes called banker's rounding, and its purpose is to compensate for a bias that could accumulate when adding many such numbers together.

    CInt and CLng differ from the Int and Fix functions, which truncate, rather than round, the fractional part of a number. Also, Fix and Int always return a value of the same data type as you pass in.

  • Date/Time Conversions. Use the IsDate function to determine if a value can be converted to a date and time. CDate recognizes date literals and time literals but not numeric values. To convert a Visual Basic 6.0 Date value to a Date value in Visual Basic 2005 or later versions, you can use the DateTime.FromOADate method.

  • Neutral Date/Time Values. The Date Data Type always contains both date and time information. For purposes of type conversion, Visual Basic considers 1/1/0001 (January 1 of the year 1) to be a neutral value for the date, and 00:00:00 (midnight) to be a neutral value for the time. If you convert a Date value to a string, CStr does not include neutral values in the resulting string. For example, if you convert #January 1, 0001 9:30:00# to a string, the result is '9:30:00 AM'; the date information is suppressed. However, the date information is still present in the original Date value and can be recovered with functions such as DatePart function.

  • Culture Sensitivity. The type conversion functions involving strings perform conversions based on the current culture settings for the application. For example, CDate recognizes date formats according to the locale setting of your system. You must provide the day, month, and year in the correct order for your locale, or the date might not be interpreted correctly. A long date format is not recognized if it contains a day-of-the-week string, such as 'Wednesday'.

    If you need to convert to or from a string representation of a value in a format other than the one specified by your locale, you cannot use the Visual Basic type conversion functions. To do this, use the ToString(IFormatProvider) and Parse(String, IFormatProvider) methods of that value's type. For example, use Double.Parse when converting a string to a Double, and use Double.ToString when converting a value of type Double to a string.

CType Function

The CType Function takes a second argument, typename, and coerces expression to typename, where typename can be any data type, structure, class, or interface to which there exists a valid conversion.

For a comparison of CType with the other type conversion keywords, see DirectCast Operator and TryCast Operator.

CBool Example

The following example uses the CBool function to convert expressions to Boolean values. If an expression evaluates to a nonzero value, CBool returns True; otherwise, it returns False.

CByte Example

The following example uses the CByte function to convert an expression to a Byte.

CChar Example

The following example uses the CChar function to convert the first character of a String expression to a Char type.

The input argument to CChar must be of data type Char or String. You cannot use CChar to convert a number to a character, because CChar cannot accept a numeric data type. The following example obtains a number representing a code point (character code) and converts it to the corresponding character. It uses the InputBox function to obtain the string of digits, CInt to convert the string to type Integer, and ChrW to convert the number to type Char.

CDate Example

The following example uses the CDate function to convert strings to Date values. In general, hard-coding dates and times as strings (as shown in this example) is not recommended. Use date literals and time literals, such as #Feb 12, 1969# and #4:45:23 PM#, instead.


CDbl Example

CDec Example

The following example uses the CDec function to convert a numeric value to Decimal.

CInt Example

The following example uses the CInt function to convert a value to Integer.

CLng Example

The following example uses the CLng function to convert values to Long.

CObj Example


The following example uses the CObj function to convert a numeric value to Object. The Object variable itself contains only a four-byte pointer, which points to the Double value assigned to it.

CSByte Example

The following example uses the CSByte function to convert a numeric value to SByte.

CShort Example

The following example uses the CShort function to convert a numeric value to Short.

CSng Example

The following example uses the CSng function to convert values to Single.

CStr Example

The following example uses the CStr function to convert a numeric value to String.

The following example uses the CStr function to convert Date values to String values.

CStr always renders a Date value in the standard short format for the current locale, for example, '6/15/2003 4:35:47 PM'. However, CStr suppresses the neutral values of 1/1/0001 for the date and 00:00:00 for the time.

For more detail on the values returned by CStr, see Return Values for the CStr Function.

CUInt Example

The following example uses the CUInt function to convert a numeric value to UInteger.

CULng Example

The following example uses the CULng function to convert a numeric value to ULong.

C++ Convert Int To String

CUShort Example

The following example uses the CUShort function to convert a numeric value to UShort.

Powershell Convert String To Integer

See also