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Sponsorswebsite Of  carmelito Lauron

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Abby Clemence Abby is the co-founder and managing director of Infinity Sponsorship in Australia. With over 25 years experience in marketing, sales, and sponsorship, she creates cause-related partnerships that increase revenue. SponsorPitch, founded in 2009 and headquartered in New York City, is a real-time online recommendation engine for sponsorship that uses predictive intelligence and analytics to empower nearly 60,000 members to find the right partners faster.

Bandsof30a@gmail.com FB & IG @bandsof30a #bandsof30a 850-797-9714.

Since 11-years deals with the production of dance shoes for different disciplines (Ballroom, Latin, Tango and Caribbean) paying the maximum attention to the comfort of the foot and consequently, of the whole body of you dancers. All with the utmost care both in the choice of materials (leather of first quality) in the handmade construction of the shoe.

Having for years dealt with the production of classic shoes comfort man/woman, we have provided you the dancers the whole of our knowledge offering the possibility of the made to measure product.

Our mission is to satisfy your personal needs!

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LELLA MILANO is a brand that today has grown into a company with a name that is synonymous with quality!

One of the founders and a true protagonist of the brand / company is Antonella Bossi Bernasconi (who along with Flavio Chiti, who is also the administrator), makes her first tentative steps towards becoming a professional stylist in 1984 by working in the family salon.

Antonella shows off her creativity and her talent on the most important international catwalks as well as competing for over 10 years in the World and European Championships, as a member of the Italian Hairdressing Team, Lella participes in multiple competitions and always finishes on the podium.


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Specializing in hairstyling, and with a passion for dance (she was also a dancer in the international standard dance class), Antonella becomes a leader in the fantastic world of dance as a sport, giving a touch of class, elegance and innovation to the hairstyles of the most important dancers on the dance scene and the world, thus beginning a new career that bears the name LELLA and is known to all involved in this sport/art.

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In 2004 the brand Fabulous Cosmetics is founded (now owned by LELLA MILANO SRL), a line of long lasting make-up and cosmetics, offering its users the assurity of stable make-up throughout the day.
After the first affirmations in the international dance arena, the brand enjoys great appreciation among the general public. Hence the need to create a company that can meet the demands of the market. Born LELLA MILANO SRL, a company which offers its customers a range of specialized services and products for makeup and hair of the highest quality.